Nous allons mettre en pleine lumière cet encart qui vient de paraître, dont le sujet est «la justice».
Le titre troublant (Working to expedite bail plea hearings: Chief justice | Ahmedabad News) est évocateur.
L’éditorialiste (identifié sous le nom d’anonymat
) est positivement connu.
Les infos éditées sont donc appréciées véridiques.
La date de publication est 2023-09-27 22:15:00.
L’article :
The chief justice said the court is working on speedy bail application hearings after senior advocate Asim Pandya raised the issue of the practice adopted by the high court lately, by which it admits bail applications and posts hearing on them after a few weeks. The lawyer has filed a petition in this regard and has also made a representation before the CJ on the administrative side on changing the prevailing practice as the delay in hearing bail pleas violates a citizen’s right to free movement.
Pandya highlighted that the HC earlier followed a practice under which bail applications would be served at the prosecutor’s office and hearings would take place 24 hours later in cases pertaining to Ahmedabad city and after 48 hours in cases filed from other parts of Gujarat.
The CJ said, « We are working it out. I have fixed a meeting with the advocate general and the public prosecutor on October 3 and we are working out that this practice is done away with. Rule cannot be issued in bail matters. » The CJ reiterated that she is taking up this issue very seriously.
Bibliographie :
Ces magistrats qui tuent la justice,Le livre .
Les enfants de la transition – Une génération en danger ?,(la couverture) .
Pas de quartier ?,Le livre .